My name is Sebastiaan Versluis. I am a freelance senior network engineer with 20 years of experience.
A network engineer is a technology professional who has the necessary skills to plan, implement and oversee the IP data networks that support in-house voice, applications, data, video and wireless network services. Engineering deals with planning, design and technical specifications.
I have experience in networking and security, including hands-on experience in providing network support, installation and analysis for a broad range of LAN/WAN/MAN communication systems. Detailed understanding of different layer 2 and layer 3 protocols. Also experienced in secure data-center setup and operations.
I love structure and order. I also stand for quality. I like spending time fixing details and perform optimizations. I also feel comfortable working in a team since it blends complementary strengths.
Tux is a penguin character and the official brand character of the Linux kernel.
Linux has long been the basis of commercial networking devices, but now it's a mainstay of enterprise infrastructure.
Quote "Life without knowledge is death in disguise"
Find some of my skills below (max rating:
Quote "Life can only be understood backwards, but it must be lived forwards"
Visit: ICTSLUIS - Fascinatio Boulevard 220 - 3065WB (Zip) - Rotterdam - The Netherlands
Phone: +31107988530
Linkedin: profile in new tab
Available for new assignments! Please use the contact details if you like to get in touch with me.
ICTSLUIS is moved to a new location. As of the 1st of Februari 2021 located at the following new address:
The Mark, Fascinatio Boulevard 220, 3065 WB Rotterdam, The Netherlands